Automated Opportunity Contact Roles


Unlock marketing ROI reporting and better prospect segmentation

You’ve heard about Connected Campaigns and Campaign Influence. Perhaps you’ve tried implementing them, or used our free Campaign Influence Starter Pack.

But if you’re finding that the reports are blank or incomplete because your reps don’t use Contact Roles, you’re not alone.

This missing data makes it challenging, if not impossible, to run effective Campaign ROI reports or to create dynamic lists of “Prospects with Opportunities” in Salesforce.

That’s where the Salesforce opportunity contact role automation comes in.

  • Fill in the gaps between Campaigns and Opportunities by auto-associating your Contacts with Opportunities as Contact Roles using the criteria you set.
  • Show the impact your efforts are having on bottom line revenue.
  • Identify active accounts to collaborate with sales and progress deals through the pipeline.

Meaningful impact for your team

Accurately measure campaign influenced revenue

Does it ever seem there is always data missing when looking for campaigns that have contributed to closed won deals? Now there won’t be with reliable Opportunity and Campaign association through automatic Contact Role creation.

Visualize deals that have entered the pipeline from marketing efforts.

Know when marketing influenced deals have entered the pipeline with accurate Campaign & Opportunity association to understand funnel progression and forecast campaign impact.